Wondering what you will receive every month?

Each month will have a specific theme based on the season, the energetics at play, the elements and any significant events that are occurring.

  • Pre-recorded meditation - you can listen whenever and however many times you feel called to. These are available to you for the life of your membership.

  • Weekly Journal Prompts - designed to build upon one another, these prompts can be done weekly or in any way that feels right to you. I encourage doing them at the start of the week followed by free writing for the remainder of that week, for the best results.

  • Essential oil protocol- This is always optional. (as is any part of this offering) The protocol will be based on a technique honed by my friend and mentor, Tiffany Carole, called Aromapoint Therapy. We apply the essential oil to specific acupuncture points on our bodies to enhance the medicine of the plants. It is magical. Don't have the necessary oils? NO problem...I will always include a link for you to purchase them. A visual will be included so that you know exactly where the points are located, as well as a PDF describing the energetic healing properties of the oils we are using.

  • Private online community- only members of the Strong and Soulful Academy may interact in our online community. This is a place to share your story, get to know one another, ask questions, share wisdom, make friends!! This is the most important part of my dream- bringing people together to heal.

You aren't alone.

Whether you're grieving, struggling with a past trauma, filled with anxiety or simply want to live more easefully - this is for you.

Pricing options

Choose the option that works best for you